Schools switch to artificial grass

Time to bid farewell to muddy and injury-prone lawns and say “Hello!” to synthetic grass. A versatile artificial turf made of high quality materials for all year round, with low-cost and little to no maintenance. What more can you ask for! Need more reasons to choose synthetic over natural grass? Read on!

Over 1,000 Australian schools use synthetic grass, and you should too! We all want the best for the students, every school can vouch for that. Even if it means spending millions of dollars to invest for the school’s foundation.

But the million-dollar question is, how can you offer students the benefit of a safe and quality turf to play on?  We all know, it takes a TEAM to make it work and we’re here to help! Did you know? 

In a year, an educational facility spends more or less $6.5 million on maintenance and operation expenditures. Meanwhile, sustaining the appearance and safety of natural turf – through mowing, fertilizing, and weed control – costs between $300-500k for one year!

Practicality-wise, the amount of money spent on maintaining a real turf could be used on funding students’ education and other recreational activities. That is why, more and more schools try out synthetic grass as an alternative to real grass. 

Synthetic grass, contrary to popular belief, are more cost-effective and eco-friendly than natural turf. But not all artificial grass is made of the same quality as Easy Turf’s products.

Let’s get it straight, what makes artificial grass more saleable than natural ones? Why is it suitable for your school?

5 Factors To Opt for Synthetic Grass

1: Reduction on maintenance

People take an average of 10 minutes to maintain a sod. Most schools have one to two acres of field, so mowing one acre takes an average of 40 minutes. To put it simply, you spend 2,080 minutes per year on mowing, alone.The money and time you spent on maintenance could be distributed to another project for your school. With that said, installing the right kind of artificial grass can make a huge difference! Once you do, what’s left for you is the raking of leaves and litter. The time you spend on prolonging your sod is reduced to once a month (or sometimes, 6 times in 1 year) with synthetic grass!

2: Safety as the core priority

Kids love playing in the grass for hours and you can never avoid some bruises, here and there. They run and tumble down the field until their feet becomes sore. Everything’s fun and games until someone gets hurt and one things for sure, the parents won’t be happy! 

Did you know? Sports players prefer synthetic turf over natural ones. Why? There’s an increase of sports injuries when playing on natural sod! Synthetic grass aids as an extra cushion of protection , it’s guaranteed to create a smooth and softer landing. This is a safe way to let kids be kids without the fear of serious injuries. 

3: Durability and Quality

Over time, the once green and bright field will turn into a pale and sad-looking surface. When it ages, you need to spend a lot of money to make it look the way it was from day 1. What’s the best option? Use synthetic fibers, a total dupe to real grass! Once you install this to your school’s playground, it’ll give off a vibrant look! You’ll notice that anyone would have the urge to run and roll around it!

4: Support the eco-friendly movement

Let’s put it this way, using 1 lawn mower for 1 hour is equivalent to 40 cars driving in the same time frame. This means, 33 mowers produce more air and noise pollution than what a car produce for 1 year. 

Other than that, more than 20% of water is used to maintain lawns . Five acre of natural turf uses up 12,025 gallons of water which is enough to cater to the daily water needs of over 100 people. When you use Easy Turf’s synthetic grass, you’re creating a change! 

5: Aesthetic for Aesthetics’ Sake

Australia is known for the pleasing and aesthetic feel of nature. Who would want to see an unmaintained pasture? Using synthetic fibers may be a simple change for your school, but it’ll give off a positive aura for your students and employees!Pictures won’t do much justice because it deserves more from its breathtaking landscape! Are you in need of quality grade Artificial Grass schools in Melbourne, Sydney, or any part of Australia? Or maybe, artificial grass experts who can find a solution for your vast unappealing land? Well, Easy Turf® is all you need! Find out more about grass installation for school facilities here .